1300 842 287

Bus and Coach Charter Melbourne

Melbourne Charter Bus and Coach Services is your local Melbourne bus charter company that has all your travel needs covered. Affordable and reliable we are one of Melbourne’s premier bus and coach charter services, catering to the travel needs of many, including groups and individuals looking for professional and affordable charter bus service.

Why consider our bus charter service ?

Professional and cost-effective, comfortable and punctual. This is what makes our bus charter service the first choice of our customers.

Bus Charter Melbourne

  • Coach or bus: 22 – 57 + seats. Service all the way, any group or budget.
  • Tours, weddings, private & corporate functions, school excursions & camps, shopping trips, senior’s days, church groups, sports events.
  • Transfers: Melbourne City & Suburbs, Airport, Yarra Valley.
  • Day Tours – Winery Tours: pick up City or suburbs.



Melbourne Bus Charter



Melbourne bus hire with driver

Bus Charter Quote

Our online quote form is designed to streamline your bus charter quote. Please also provide any additional details you think are important - its our goal to meet your needs.

Your Name* (required)

Your Email* (required)

Your Mobile Number

Pickup Suburb

Pickup Time

Destination Suburb

Return to Destination Time

Number of Passengers


Additional Comments

For personal Bus & Coach Charter service Ph 1300 84 22 87 or 03 8802 1733  Email charter@melbournecharterbus.com.au